2025-02-14 03:00:00
And Isaac went out to meditate in the field in the evening; and he lifted his eyes and looked, and there, the camels were coming.
' Genesis 24:63 '
Isaac felt the loneliness of not yet having his partner by his side. Today, we don't understand why this continues to happen among God's people. The natural thing to do at the beginning of adulthood is to follow God's command: "And He answered and said to them, ‘Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'?" (Matthew 19:4-5). The Lord blesses those who believe!
Abraham felt that his son had been targeted by Hell. So, he sent the chief servant of his house to find a woman to marry Isaac, and it happened: "The LORD God of heaven, who took me from my father's house and from the land of my family, and who spoke to me and swore to me, saying, 'To your descendants I give this land, He will send His Angel before you, and you shall take a wife for my son from there.'" (Genesis 24:7). God's sending is perfect. Cry out to Him!
When the purpose originates in the Father's heart, everything happens flawlessly. At that time, there was no way of knowing where Abraham's servant was or whether he would return to tell him that the plan had worked. Abraham didn't send his steward by chance; he must have followed the direction of the Most High. What was at stake was far greater than Isaac's happiness at a wedding: through Isaac's descendants, the Savior would be born!
The heir to the promises made to Abraham was a man of God who lived in communion with Him. But why did it take the patriarch so long to wake up and send someone to bring his son a bride? Well, we won't have answers to certain questions here on earth. Only in eternity will we know them. It's beautiful to know that Isaac went to meditate in the field at the right time.
Isaac was in communion with the Father and felt his eyes open and lift. Anyone who has had the experience of being used by the Lord and seeing the wonders He has worked in their life or ministry knows that the Most High will never fail. The young man looked up and saw the camels coming toward him. His heart probably raced as he saw someone jump off the camel.
The Word of the Lord speaks about the man who finds his wife: "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD" (Proverbs 18:22). Isaac knew that his father's servant was capable of fulfilling the tasks assigned to him, so he was sure that Rebekah was the one chosen by Heaven to be his wife. His heart must have soared when he learned that he had finally found what he was looking for. God is faithful!
Rebekah also looked up and asked Eliezer who the man was who was coming to meet them. When she heard about Isaac, she got off the camel and covered herself with her veil (v. 64). What a scene worthy of being recorded! They were overcome with emotion. God worked for Jesus to be born and for our redemption to take place.
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Todays Prayer
Lord, fulfiller of dreams! It's good to see promises fulfilled according to Your plan. How many good things have happened to us, and for that, we are joyful and grateful! If it weren't for Jesus, we wouldn't be here. Use us, Father!
You led Isaac to meditate in the field as the day was ending, and what he saw pleased his heart. When You carry out the promised work, we are happy and even weep with emotion. How can we not love You?
May this reader of mine, who is now crying out to You for help, become a beneficiary of Your mercies! Even though we have made many mistakes, everything in us has been changed for Your glory. This is the time to start listening to You and serving You again!
2025-02-13 03:00:00
The next day, as they went on their journey and drew near the city, Peter went up on the housetop to pray, about the sixth hour.
' Acts 1:9 '
The next day held many pleasant surprises for Peter, and then for Cornelius, the well-known Roman captain who would later be converted. The certainty of this conversion could be seen when he responded affirmatively to the touch of the Lord's power: 'There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of what was called the Italian Regiment, a devout man and one who feared God with all his household, who gave alms generously to the people and prayed to God always' (Acts 10:1-2).
This captain was not far from the Kingdom of God because he prayed to Him and not to the gods of the Roman Empire's religion. Cornelius must have been fascinated by the story of the Israelites, who, despite being one of the smallest peoples in the world, survived the wickedness of the nations of previous centuries and never abandoned their faith in Jacob's Fortress. Certainly, he could have been punished for treason by the rulers of Rome, but he believed and lived!
Even though he knew little about God's will, the centurion saw an angel who welcomed him to the Gospel, the Perfect Law of Freedom. The heavenly messenger respected the limits and gave him no further information. After all, the preaching of the Truth was entrusted to chosen men, sanctified, anointed, and sent by the Father with this mission (Acts 10:3-6). The angel ordered him to send some of his servants to Joppa to invite Peter to speak about God's wonderful love.
Unaware of what the Lord had prepared for the increase of His Kingdom, or of the servants who would be looking for him, Peter went up to the rooftop where he was staying while they prepared food for him, in order to pray to God. This serves as a lesson for us: the moments of satisfying physical hunger and spiritual hunger must be separated. There would be no point in watching his meal being prepared, because the food from heaven would come in a different way.
While he was praying, the apostle's senses were overwhelmed, and he saw heaven open up, from which a great sheet stretched down to the earth. In it were all kinds of animals considered unclean for Jewish consumption. But Peter heard a voice from heaven telling him to kill them and eat. It is good to hear the Lord speak of the things He has prepared; if we obey Him, we will be successful. Serving the Father without material interest is a great decision.
When Peter heard the Lord, he told Him that he would not eat any of those animals, because the Law of Moses forbade it. He showed his love for God, and the Father showed that He loved him by declaring that this was past; after all, there were only four requirements left from the Law: that you abstain from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well. Farewell (Acts 15:29). Believe and live!
The Lord commanded him not to treat what had been purified as common. God was already saying that the Gentiles were purified (Acts 10:10-16). The revelation is for us because we are often prejudiced against the lost and condemn them to eternal fire. If they continue in sin, they will be lost forever, but we must convert them to the Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Todays Prayer
God of perfect love! Your Son went to Calvary to pay the price for all sinners, no matter how serious their transgressions. Once they have received Jesus as Lord and Savior, they are set free because of Christ's suffering. Hallelujah!
We must not exclude anyone from the Truth, but rather, with love and wisdom, show that a person is free if they believe in Jesus. All iniquity brings with it a demon that destroys those who indulge in evil practices!
Always proclaim the Truth, because it sets you free. We need to give the ungodly the opportunity to redeem themselves. This is what Paul told the Corinthians in his first letter. O Father, help us reach out to those considered lost. Give us wisdom, strength, and love!
2025-02-12 03:00:00
And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of the Ulai, who called, and said, “Gabriel, make this man understand the vision”
' Daniel 8.16 '
Daniel was taken to the river Ulai in Persia, which means both a flowing watercourse and 'my powerful leaders'. There, he heard a voice calling out to the angel Gabriel to explain the vision to him (Daniel 8:2-16). The Bible describes one of the Holy Spirit's missions on our behalf: 'But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you' (John 14:26). Believe and learn from God!
When something catches your eye in the Word, ask the Lord to show you what it means and then rest in Him. When you remember the revelation, check whether you already have the answer and never give up on your request. Undoubtedly, God is preparing you to know His will in what you have been shown, removing what hinders your good service to the Father or adding instructions.
The time will come for you to rejoice! The revelations belong to you; you just have to take them by faith. If they come from heaven, take possession of them. The voice Daniel heard was that of someone who knew what he was saying and would honor His words. That is why it is best to obey God. In this case, the Lord told Gabriel to show Daniel the meaning of the vision. The Most High would never speak without explaining it!
When Christ called Saul of Tarsus to be among the saved, He told Ananias to go to Straight Street, to Judas' house, and ask for him. Ananias immediately replied, 'Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much harm he has done to Your saints in Jerusalem. And here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call on Your name.' This is the answer from heaven: 'Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine, to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. For I will show him how much he must suffer for My name's sake' (Acts 9:13-16). Believe and live!
God has planned how to carry out His work. To each convert, He gives a mission to be carried out in order to magnify His Kingdom. This shows that the Most High does not need to calculate how to use His believers. The saved must come to Him to know where and when to serve Him. Everyone called to carry out the work will be well rewarded at Christ's return, but the unfaithful, who do nothing, must be cautious, because they will receive punishment (Matthew 25:14-30).
We are responsible for what has been revealed to us, because we have been enlightened by the Lord. If we walk in darkness, following personal plans, our rebellious actions and vain words will be taken into account in the decision of the Most High, and we will give an account at the judgment seat of Christ: 'For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due for the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad' (2 Corinthians 5:10)."
Gaining an understanding of what God has said about us is the work of the Holy Spirit imparted to us. In this way, we can be recognized as faithful servants. Never stop obeying the Word! When you are appointed to a mission, you are already empowered to fulfill it. The world desperately needs us!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Todays Prayer
God of special tasks! You had a unique mission for Daniel, the captive taken from Judah to Babylon. He stood before You to learn what Israel's future would be, and so You called out to Gabriel to assist Your servant!
The help was to understand what would become of the people who had been away from home for many years, and Your orders were carried out by the angel. Father, how can we improve our service to You? Your work must be carried out as You have spoken to us. Let us do good!
We want to be part of the people whose task it is to bring the lost into Your Kingdom and see them saved, serving You here and in eternity, forever and ever. It is good to know You and the mission You have reserved for Your Church!
2025-02-11 03:00:00
And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there.
' Matthew 14.23 '
In this verse, we see that the Savior was not in a hurry to do the work. He did so with care and under the guidance of the Father. Matthew recounts how the Master fed five thousand men, plus women and children. After the disciples found it impossible to obtain enough bread to feed such a large crowd, Christ ordered everyone to sit on the grass, and, taking the loaves of bread, He blessed them and distributed them to all (Matthew 14:13-21).
The day was drawing to a close, and night was approaching. Calmly, the Master distributed the multiplied portion of five loaves and two small fish. We don’t know what the disciples initially thought about the miraculous work unfolding before their eyes, but many must have doubted that everyone would be fed. After all, they had been with the Savior for three days and had eaten nothing. Yet, one boy’s small snack was enough!
Everyone was satisfied because Jesus' blessing had fed them. The works of the Lord are done through faith, and the Bible says that we have the faith of Christ to justify us: 'Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified' (Galatians 2:16). The key is to put this faith into action!
When the meeting was over, Jesus took time to dismiss the crowd, blessing all who had come to witness the glory of God and affirming the miracles of heaven. The Lord still performs the same wonders for a group of people as He does for an individual, as long as they believe the truth of the Scriptures about Him. Those who left were certain they had witnessed something miraculous!
After dismissing the crowd, Christ did not hurry to meet the disciples but went up to the mountain to pray to the Father. Jesus knew that without this communion, He could do nothing. The same is true for us; if we are not aligned with the Most High, His power will not be at work in us. Christ said, 'Without Me you can do nothing' (John 15:5b). It is important to take time alone with God to reflect on what you’ve been doing and what you need to do. He answers!
On the mountain, Jesus sought guidance to continue fulfilling His mission. Night was falling over that region, and Jesus was there, praying fervently to know how to proceed for the glory of the Father. We must learn how to carry out God’s will; however, without the teachings, techniques, and tools that the Master used, we will never fulfill our calling successfully. Yet, in Christ, we are more than conquerors!
The Son of God was not afraid of the night or the forces that act in darkness. After all, His Father would never leave Him or forsake Him. We must have the same confidence in our hearts. To do so, we must learn to follow Christ’s example, truly love the Father, and trust in the fulfillment of God’s promises. Prepare yourself in the Lord for the work of evangelization!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Todays Prayer
LORD of heavenly wonders! In our own strength, we cannot do the works of Christ for the needy. But if He declared that we would do them, why should we fear? Father, You are with us at all times!
We cannot rush ahead! If You have more tasks for us, we must remain and wait for further instructions. Your Son dismissed all the people and then went to the mountain to pray. Father, forgive us for not believing as He believed!
We fail to take the time to follow the Savior's example, and as a result, we don’t see Your power at work through our faith and actions. You have promised that You will never leave us nor forsake us, so we must trust in this truth. Help us!
2025-02-10 03:00:00
But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.
' Mathew 6.6 '
Our prayers are not always received by the Lord, especially when there are things within us that should not exist. If we do not focus on speaking to God, we will fail to address the sins that need to be confessed and genuinely abandoned. We will not be praying, but merely attempting to soothe our conscience. Prayer is about connecting with the Father through His Word and listening to Him to learn how to end sin in our lives (Psalm 139:23-24).
There is no better place to pray truly than in your own home, knowing that no one will overhear or record your words. When speaking to the Father, keep your cell phone away so that distractions do not interfere with your prayer. Never pretend to talk to God while returning to sin (Galatians 6:7-8). Jesus said, 'When you pray'—this implies we are not always praying. Only cry out to God if you are sure that you will be answered; this is biblical (James 4:1-10).
‘Go into your room,’ is the Lord’s instruction (Matthew 6:6). Your place of rest is the blessed place to open your heart and speak to Him about everything that troubles you and the temptations that seek to lead you into sin. In the same space where you rest your body, you can also rest your soul. When you go to bed, remain in the presence of the Creator until sleep comes, without dwelling on sin (Psalm 3:4-5; 4:8). Consecrate yourself to God!
Shut your door so that others do not hear what you speak to the Lord. Our communion with Heaven must be daily so that we remain in God's presence, shielded from the devil and his temptations. You have the choice to live in God's peace or to yield to sin. Stand firm in your faith in Christ when confronted with temptation. To resist thinking about error, you must watch and pray (Mark 14:38).
A Christian should pray only to God, our Father, the One who alone can deliver us from temptation. The Almighty knows everyone's heart and recognizes those who do not wish to do the enemy's will. In your room, seek
God's presence until your heart rejoices. Then pray according to the biblical model that Jesus taught. Do not use vain repetitions, but be earnest (Matthew 6:7-13).
The Christian prays to the One who sees the hidden, God the Father. Present your requests and desires, and the Word will reveal them to you. Never give in to the enemy's lies, or the Most High will not hear your cries. Praying with doubt will not benefit you (James 1:6-8). Praise and speak to the Lord until the joy of Heaven fills your heart, and, in holy confidence, command evil to depart.
We cry out in secret, in our chambers, in Your presence! What we desire most is to overcome in order to glorify Your Name, and we will testify that we have received Your help.
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Todays Prayer
Dear Lord, claiming Your promises and trusting in their fulfillment, we come before You to take possession of all that belongs to us in Christ Jesus. We desire to pray until our requests are answered!
We cry out in the secret of our hearts, in Your presence! What we desire most is to overcome and glorify Your Name, and we will testify that we have received Your help. As long as we follow Your teachings, You will care for us!
With Your guidance, we will do Your will, serving humanity and advancing Your Kingdom. Send the lost to us, that they may be reached by Your grace, and through this, make them a people who love and serve You. We implore Your power!
2025-02-09 03:00:00
Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob’s hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him.
' Genesis 32.25 '
Jacob needed God's blessing, so at dusk, he took his family across the ford of the Jabbok, a small stream, and returned to pray to the Lord in private. At a certain point, an angel in the form of a man came and wrestled with him all night. As dawn approached, the angel asked him to let him go because it was nearly morning, but Jacob made a condition: he would only let him go if he blessed him first. He knew how to believe!
That struggle was symbolic of the real battle fought in the spiritual realm until the promise is fulfilled in our lives. Even if it seems late, God will confirm and fulfill it as it was revealed to us (see Luke 18:1-8). What you feel when you turn your attention to a biblical promise is the certainty given by the Lord that it is yours; after all, the testimonies of the Most High are faithful (Psalm 93:5; 119:2).
When you understand a revelation from God, it becomes yours; therefore, you have an obligation to receive it into your life. Even if the angel wants to leave with any justification, never accept it. That angel was God wrestling with Jacob, and Jacob didn't want to let him go. That’s how you should fight in prayer. If the Lord has visited you through the Word and given you the promise, accept it!
In the end, the angel told the patriarch that he would be called Israel because, like a prince, he wrestled with God and prevailed. The prophet of Judah, mentioned in the first book of Kings, chapter 13, ultimately despised the direction of the Most High and was therefore killed by the lion. It doesn’t matter if you listen to a false prophet; it will be your fault if you disobey the command of the supreme God. No excuses will ever be accepted if we disregard the Word. Let’s be princes and overcome!
Jacob was strengthened by the Lord in that fight. In the same way, you will be, and God will fulfill what He has promised you. Jesus said, "And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force" (Matthew 11:12). "Be mightier than the mighty: But when a stronger than he comes upon him and overcomes him, he takes from him all his armor in which he trusted, and divides his spoils" (Luke 11:22).
The patriarch limped out of the battle because of his persistence, and this shows that it is better to be wounded than to lose your life. There was a danger that Esau would kill his brother and his family. However, Jacob received the blessing, and that led to our salvation. If he had died, Jesus would not have been born. This fight was not only for Jacob and his family, but also for humanity, which would be saved through one of his descendants!
Nothing will happen to you if you fight with God for the promise made to you: "And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul" (Deuteronomy 10:12). Persevere until you gain your life!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Todays Prayer
God of the great battle! Jacob's struggle with You to change his brother Esau's mind teaches us that we, too, have to struggle to be considered princes, as Your persevering servant was.
Enliven the heart of whoever reads this message and prays with me now. That way, they will fear You, and You will be with them. As we respect You, we strive to ensure that the promise that came from Your lips is confirmed. We cannot be false Christians. Help us!
We will never come out of the fight with You with a limp, but healed in body, soul, and spirit. Our victory will mean a lot to the people who hear You through us. Lord, we take possession of what we have asked for!
2025-02-08 03:00:00
Furthermore I said to the king, “If it pleases the king, let letters be given to me for the governors of the region beyond the River, that they must permit me to pass through till I come to Judah.
' Nehemiah 2.7 '
The journey of God's people to Babylon for 70 years was humiliating, but their return was dignified. For this to happen, King Artaxerxes gave Nehemiah letters to deliver to the governors beyond the river, as well as to the army commanders and horsemen. In fact, the Israelites would not have gone into exile if they had obeyed God. However, having learned their lesson, they returned to rebuild the Holy City and the entire country.
Many people are playing games with the Lord. Although they are aware of God's justice and the biblical warnings, they prefer to live outside His presence. God is not to be mocked, for a man will reap what he sows (Galatians 6:7). Those who do not respect the Word make the wrong choice. Therefore, never disregard the warnings in Scripture about the eternal punishment of the impenitent (Revelation 21:8).
The sad and anxious countenance of Nehemiah and those who accompanied him began to change. At every step, they felt the joy of the Most High, who was their strength, foreseeing how joyful it would be to renovate the walls of Jerusalem, pray to God, and worship Him in the land of their ancestors, where He had always shown Himself to be the Fortress of His beloved ones (Nehemiah 8:10). Of course, anxiety also increased, but God would be glorified and sanctified!
Nehemiah took wood for the gates that had been burned, as well as other materials to close the gaps in the city wall. He knew that he would not receive a warm welcome from his people, as those who remained were discouraged. King Artaxerxes' cupbearer would restore everything with the Lord's help, and they were aware of this and were already imagining how the city would look after the walls and gates had been restored. Hallelujah!
With God's love shining in his heart, Nehemiah knew that the work would be completed quickly. To do this, he used the strength and authority granted to him by the Persian king. As for Jesus' work of recovery in our midst—to reconnect us to the Father, restoring the fellowship we lost because of Adam's sin—we need not worry, because He who began the good work will complete it (Philippians 1:6).
Imagine how pleased the saved will be when they see Christ return to earth to seek out His Church, bought by His blood shed on Calvary. He will say to all those at His right hand: Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world (Matthew 25.34). In fact, His faithful can't wait for that glorious Day, when they will ascend with the Lord and never hear the devil's lies again!
Imagine how pleased the saved will be when they see Christ return to earth to seek His Church, bought by His bloodshed on Calvary. He will say to all those at His right hand, "Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Matthew 25:34). In fact, His faithful can hardly wait for that glorious Day when they will ascend with the Lord and never hear the devil's lies again!
In the meantime, the enemy will do whatever he can to make us believe his lies, but we must never give in to them. Those who await Jesus' return will see how worthwhile it was to serve Him. They will never stumble over the obstacles placed by Satan to prevent them from reaching the heavenly Jerusalem. We are the beloved of the eternal Lord!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Todays Prayer
Lord, our kind King! What a joyous day it was when Jesus declared that we are not of the world! This assures us that we will ascend with Him at His return. Nothing will stop us from living holy lives, because we have Your Comforter, the Holy Spirit.
With the letters from King Artaxerxes, Nehemiah returned to rebuild Jerusalem; with this, the city of the Great King would be re-established as the capital of the faith of Your people. We are waiting for the moment we will go to the heavenly Jerusalem, the majestic city from which we will never leave!
In the Name of Jesus, we will tell everyone how easy it is to be saved. Our mission is to rescue millions who are destined for eternal perdition. Your Kingdom of love will be our eternal home. We praise Your Name for Your work on our behalf!
2025-02-07 03:00:00
Therefore behold! I will bring disaster on the house of Jeroboam, and will cut off from Jeroboam every male in Israel, bond and free; I will take away the remnant of the house of Jeroboam, as one takes away refuse until it is all gone.
' 1 Kings 14.10 '
The exact reason Jeroboam rose up against Solomon is not clearly stated in the Bible, but his desire was granted. The prophet Ahijah the Shilonite met him on the way, took hold of his new garment, and tore it into twelve pieces. He then said to Jeroboam, “Take for yourself ten pieces, for thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: Behold, I will tear the kingdom from the hand of Solomon, and give ten tribes to you” (1 Kings 11:29-31). After taking control of the new kingdom, Jeroboam proved to be worse than Solomon, turning away from the truth in a serious way. However, with the death of his son, Jeroboam paid dearly (1 Kings 14:1-20). It is best to fear the Lord by obeying His Word!
God told him that the pieces of the robe symbolized the division of Israel, and that he would be left with ten tribes. Rehoboam tried to rally his forces to keep them under his rule, but the Lord forbade him (1 Kings 12:21-24). Jeroboam had all the evidence to show that Solomon's wickedness had been judged, and that the new kingdom would represent divine justice. But before long, he revealed his lack of fear and the foolishness of his actions. Poor king!
How can we know what was in the king's heart when he rose up against Solomon, who had also turned away from God because of his wives? For it was so, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not loyal to the LORD his God, as was the heart of his father David (1 Kings 11:4). The Law says, "You shall not commit adultery" (Exodus 20:14). Today, you should marry only one woman. Watch, pray, and believe!
Those who sin must repent, seek the Lord, confess their transgression, and never repeat it. When sin is deliberate, it is difficult to forgive; repentance and a true return to the truth are necessary. The Father looks inside your heart, not at your mouth, but when you speak, He takes your words into account. Never hide your iniquity, because even before you do, Heaven knows what will happen. The enemy will always try to stop you from speaking the truth over the lies the devil tells you.
Jeroboam exemplifies someone who is irresponsible, acts cruelly, and offends God's holiness. This king sought greatness through Satan's power, but that is impossible, for the devil's heart is evil. Even if you follow the enemy's will, he will ultimately try to destroy you. No matter the situation, he will always try to kill us (John 10:10a). Flee from him!
God's patience with Jeroboam ran out to the point where the Lord—who is good, but also just—declared that He would allow evil to overtake the house of this wicked king. All the while, Jeroboam thought the people were foolish and believed they were clever. He even sent his wife to consult Ahijah so that his son wouldn't die. She disguised herself as a peasant woman to deceive the elderly prophet. However, when she stepped over the threshold, Ahijah revealed that he was a true servant of God (1 Kings 14:1-17).
The king suffered great shame! His son eventually died. The prophet may not have been able to see, but he had a living connection with God. Fear the Lord and stand firm in His Word!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Todays Prayer
Lord, many people do not respect You, commit evil, and think they are deceiving You. You are our Father, and we owe You all our reverence. Everything in the world, including us, came from You. One day, we will give an account for our actions!
We must follow Your teachings and honor You! We desire to be faithful and pure. We cannot stray from Your presence, because far from You, we will never be fulfilled. Look upon those who despise You and help them to love You!
You said that evil would befall the house of Jeroboam because he turned his back on You when he should have sought You and made amends with You. He did not believe in Your plan, and so he suffered the consequences. How many will also pay a very high price forever?
2025-02-06 03:00:00
Now the city shall be doomed by the Lord to destruction, it and all who are in it. Only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all who are with her in the house, because she hid the messengers that we sent.
' Joshua 6.17 '
When Jericho was taken, Joshua called the two spies and gave them specific orders, saying, "Bring Rahab and all who are with her in the house." This was because of the promise made to her, which had saved their lives. The entire population, from the greatest to the least, was to be destroyed, and this command had to be carried out. No one was to be spared, not even the animals. And so, they obeyed.
Joshua spoke of the curse — what God had forbidden the spies to take for themselves. The silver, gold, bronze, and iron vessels were consecrated to the Lord and were to go into Israel's treasury. The warning was stern, indicating that they should not be tempted by the greed that would stir some. However, despite the warning, one of them took a portion of the silver, gold, and a Babylonian garment, which caused them to lose the next battle (see Joshua 7).
The territory to be conquered was a small town called Ai. Following the advice of the spies sent to determine how they would conquer it, Joshua sent about three thousand men into battle. Note that he did not ask the Lord how many men he should send. The situation became dire, and they immediately tried to flee from the enemy. However, the men of that small town struck down 36 of them. How tragic!
Upon hearing this, the people’s hearts melted. Not understanding the reason for their defeat, Joshua fell before God: "Then Joshua tore his clothes and fell to the ground on his face, before the ark of the Lord until evening, he and the elders of Israel; and they put dust on their heads" (Joshua 7:6). The commander did not know what to say to the Most High, nor did he ask why they had failed. Without a cause, a curse does not come to rest (Proverbs 26:2).
For Joshua, there was nothing wrong with the people, so he prayed: "Alas, Lord God, why have You brought this people over the Jordan at all, to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites, to destroy us? Oh, that we had been content to dwell on the other side of the Jordan!" (Joshua 7:7). There is always a cause for everything that happens to us, but people often assume that failure comes from heaven. The Lord is never wrong!
The Almighty is patient in His actions. He knows our nature and understands that we do not accept defeat, but blame others for it. "O Lord, what shall I say when Israel turns its back before its enemies? For the Canaanites and all the inhabitants of the land will hear of it, and surround us, cutting off our name from the earth. Then what will You do for Your great name?" (Joshua 7:8-9).
The answer came shortly after, and Joshua sought out the culprit: "Get up, sanctify the people, and say, 'Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow, for thus says the Lord God of Israel: "There is an accursed thing in your midst, O Israel; you cannot stand before your enemies until you take away the accursed thing from among you"'" (v. 13). They removed the curse!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Todays Prayer
Lord, God of victory! You cannot make Your people successful while they are in agreement with the devil, acting in the wrong way. We seek sanctification for ourselves, our homes, and all who ask for our help, so that we may know and follow You.
May everyone in our midst be prepared to win the battles of faith, grounded in You and Your Name. We are Your warriors, and we will take all those who are not yet saved out of the hands of the enemy. Father, we need to be cleansed and anointed by You!
Take care of us, as only You know how! Although we are not children, we often do not know how to express our feelings. We desire to walk under Your direction, following Your commands and not those of man. We do not wish to dishonor or disappoint You. Use us, Father!
2025-02-05 03:00:00
Then the Commander of the Lord’s army said to Joshua, “Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy.” And Joshua did so.
' Joshua 5.15 '
Joshua had no doubt that God would call him to lead Israel to the Promised Land because he knew that he would receive an anointing similar to Moses, his predecessor, as the Most High had planned (Joshua 1:1-9). Whoever is sent to carry out a mission given by God has the necessary power to fulfill His will. The command was to begin the conquest of Canaan through Jericho. The task was great, and the anointing he received was sufficient.
Knowing that God would guide him in everything, Joshua went to Jericho to see how he could enter the city, which was guarded by high walls and seemed impossible to conquer. While observing the size of the challenge, he spotted a man drawing a sword from its sheath, indicating readiness to fight. As he watched him, the servant of the Lord wondered whether he was an Israelite or one of the enemies. If he was an enemy, the fight would begin right there.
Joshua had no fear and approached the man, asking if he was one of his people or an adversary. He was humbled by the answer: “So He said: No, but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come. And Joshua fell to the ground in worship and said to Him, 'What does my Lord say to His servant?' (Joshua 5:14). Joshua's heart rejoiced at these words, and he immediately worshipped the Most High, asking for directions for the battle.
When you are facing problems that are greater than your strength and you feel you need help, remember: you have been sent to do the same works as Jesus (John 14:12), because you have been given the same power that He received from the Father. Don't back down or claim that it's impossible to carry out such a command. Everyone who is sent is capable of fulfilling the task to which they have been called. God is faithful to His promises and does not allow failure.
Those sent by the Most High must walk in the path He has marked out, which is revealed in the Scriptures (Psalm 119:105). Those who rely on
man's advice, even if they are saved, will miss God's best guidance. The Lord is not pleased with work done outside of His guidance, because the glory will not be His. Let the Holy Spirit guide you and you will achieve good results and bring joy to the Almighty!
The prince of the heavenly army told Joshua to take off his shoes, because the place where he was standing was holy. You see, God was in that battle, and in this case, shoes symbolized human attempts that could hinder divine action. Joshua would receive direction from the Most High to proceed as instructed. The Word says: "As for me, You uphold me in my integrity and set me before Your face forever" (Psalm 41:12). Joshua obeyed!
That land had been prepared by the Lord when He called Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees to go to the land that would be shown to him (Genesis 12:1-3). Joshua was one of the descendants of the patriarch who would lead God's people into Canaan, fulfilling the promises made by the Almighty. We are heirs of the promises in Christ, and we will receive the blessings through faith and obedience.
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Todays Prayer
Lord of the holy order! When You speak to us through the Scriptures, the blessing is already ours. It is the realization of what You promised to Abraham and to Your Son, Jesus. We need to believe and receive it wholeheartedly, and all the glory and praise will be Yours!
Teach us to stand before our Jericho and raise our eyes to claim what belongs to us. The enemy cannot rob us of the blessings acquired and given to us by You. We are eternally grateful!
No matter the walls, no matter the enemy's strategy to confront us, You have the power to shake the very foundations of all of Hell's preparations. Father, we are the heirs of Your Kingdom of love!
2025-02-04 03:00:00
For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins
' Hebrews 10:26 '
The Bible teaches us how to live wonderfully, fulfilling God's plan successfully, under the authority and protection of the Creator of the Universe. The devil has deceived many, convincing them that they can wait until their deathbed to be saved. This is a lie! The evil one desires them to spend eternity with him in hell (Hebrews 3:13).
There are two types of sin: those committed unconsciously, when we immediately recognize our wrong attitude and regret it, and those caused by falling into temptation, even when we are aware that we have sinned. Sometimes we think unconscious sin is harmless, but that is not true. If there is no repentance, what will happen to us if, at our final moment, we cannot cry out to God? We must accept Jesus now!
In the second type, a person yields to temptation, of which the devil is a master, and takes the first step toward eternal separation from God. It's time to wake up! Man's greatest mistake is resisting God's call to a new, complete life with Him. There may not be time to escape eternal damnation. Never play games with the One who created all things!
Anyone who knowingly sins will find it harder to be forgiven. In some cases, no sacrifice remains for their sin, only eternal damnation in the lake of fire. Let us seek forgiveness from the Most High, who desires our eternal well-being in heaven. Christ paid the price for our iniquities and now only requires our consent to cleanse us of all sin. Surrender yourself to the Savior!
Listen to God, for He is the Truth. If someone deliberately sins after learning not to transgress and never repents, they will not obtain forgiveness and must prepare to face the Judgment. There will be no advocate there, and everyone will be forced to account for their actions. Don't delay your decision to stand with Christ; it could be too late. Now is the time to confess, receive forgiveness, and be certain you will enter the Kingdom of God (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Today, everyone can gain eternal life by renouncing sinful deeds and turning to the One who is rich in mercy and desires all to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4). If you feel the urge to accept Jesus now, it means He is standing at the door of your heart, knocking to come in and save you. Confess your sins to Him and thank Him for forgiving you right now. Receive Christ and be blessed!
Another important aspect is how we feel in God's presence when we recognize our faults. In those moments, we must exercise humility and ask the Lord to forgive us. After all, if He has convicted us of our wrong, He surely desires to forgive us. Missing this opportunity could lead us to Judgment and eternal separation from God!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Todays Prayer
God of eternal salvation! I unite my faith with this man who confesses his mistakes and asks for forgiveness and eternal salvation. As a minister of Your Word, I declare that all the sins of those who have confessed in faith and believe that they will be forgiven are already forgiven. Thank You, Father!
We have received the knowledge of the Truth, so we don't want to sin any more. Place the One whose mission it is to guard us around us, so that we don't do the devil's will. Then the evil one will no longer dominate or oppress us. The life of iniquity is over for us!
Thank You for the blood of Jesus, shed on Calvary for our redemption. There is no sin on our record from this moment on. We have received Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives and we thank You for this blessing. Amen!
2025-02-03 03:00:00
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching
' Hebrews 10.25 '
People make a big mistake when they leave the congregation that God uses to pass on biblical faith. Because they are not well-grounded in the Scriptures, they become religious and adopt teachings that differ from those that have worked in the lives of healed, delivered, and saved individuals. There is only one Gospel: the Good News preached by Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-18).
Our faith in Christ transforms us into good citizens who walk with the Savior and carry out their duties with holiness and love, aiming to do all that the Bible commands, which will never change. Those who allow themselves to be influenced by the ungodly soon believe false information and, abandoning the eternal God, decide to follow it. The Lord is zealous for good!
Believers who have been convinced of sin, righteousness, and judgment will never abandon the Lord's teachings (John 16:8). Standing firm in faith in the Lord will do great good for those called by the Most High to be part of His Body. Those who go astray, following those who separate themselves, incur the warning of Proverbs 18:1. It is good to remain with Christ where He has placed you. Whoever follows man will fall into the pit with him (Matthew 15:14).
We can trust God because He is faithful and sovereign in His decision to love us and protect us from the attacks of darkness. The days are evil, and the world receives much action from Hell, which causes people to live contrary to the Word of God. Have we been called to belong to Jesus, or to run after those who have no commitment to the Truth? The fact is that the devil is furious with everything!
The closer the Day of Jesus' return draws, when He will come for His Church, which has been formed in the Word, the more the devil acts, leading the unwary to move away from where God truly works and go to the “religious clubs,” where there is a lot of talk but nothing real happens. Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time (Revelation 12:12). Watch out!
Let’s be patient with those who make hasty decisions and know nothing of the Gospel. God reveals the Scriptures to us step by step, according to our ability to understand His plan. Those who can’t bear the Bible’s warnings suffer greatly at the hands of the enemy and are, therefore, doing much wrong. Christ has called you to go to heaven at the end of time, and it’s not right to start well and end badly. Give yourself to Christ!
The Lord’s work needs saved people living in union with Him, despising the fantasies told by the devil to keep people under his dominion. As we have already seen, the evil one attacks the weak and immature in the faith with great anger, because he knows that his time is drawing to a close. The Master’s command is to watch and pray, lest we fall into temptation (Matthew 26:41).
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Todays Prayer
Lord of the Church! We cannot stop praying in this period when the devil has come down to go after the saved, who have been marked to live before You and carry out Your work. Help those who have gone astray return to Your side!
Why leave the congregation where we have been healed, set free and sanctified? We understand Your good will in calling us to be members of the Body of Christ. But the devil, in all his fury, comes to try to separate us from Your love. Mercy, Father!
That Day is approaching, and events in the world have caused many people to be lost forever. What happens in Your Kingdom is part of Your will and that of Your Son. The Holy Spirit invites us to return to the arms of Jesus. We love You!
2025-02-02 03:00:00
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works
' Hebrews 10.24 '
The secret to success in faith in Christ is to be a child of God, born again through believing in the Lord as Savior, and to remain in communion with Him. We must present ourselves before the Father with a sincere heart. This teaches us to persevere in following Him. We can never accept the devil's temptations; we must refuse all thoughts contrary to the Word of God. None of the evil offers can dwell in us; otherwise, we will be condemned. Watch and pray!"
We can't go to the Lord with hearts divided between faith and doubt, because it will certainly be a waste of time. Receiving a blessing depends on our attitude, not on His (James 1:6-8). If we are not answered, it is because we have disobeyed the Word. We must boldly enter the sanctuary so that God can work. What the Bible declares is ours, so let's make the Lord rejoice with our attitude. Never waste what the Father has given you!"
According to the Scriptures, we must enter God's presence with full assurance of faith (Hebrews 10:22). Once this is done, we will receive all that we ask for in line with the Word, according to the Father's testimony about what He has given us (Mark 11:22-24). By reading the Bible and meditating on it, we can act with the conviction that we will receive divine gifts (John 15:7). We must never diminish ourselves in the face of what we are told; after all, the Lord has magnified us to take our place in Him. God is our Father!"
Anyone whose heart is dirty, full of hatred because someone has wronged them, or because they have a guilty conscience, will not succeed in spiritual battles. The Almighty and His Spirit will never work in those who harbor iniquity—it offends the Lord (Romans 6:13,18,19). It is better to refuse the works of the devil. We are agents of divine justice in our lives, and this comes from On High, from the Father of lights (James 1:17). Long live faith!"
Even your body needs to be washed spiritually, with the 'water' that comes directly from the Bible (John 15:3). Your whole being—soul, spirit, and body—must be preserved blameless, in a state of integrity for God to act (1 Thessalonians 5:23). Be gentle and honest with those who pester you; then the lost will see a different spirit in you. We must see ourselves as the temple of the one and only sovereign God, so that He can manifest Himself without limits in us and through us."
It is a great fault among saved people not to consider their brothers and sisters as members of the Body of Christ. This grieves the Lord, who bought us with His blood to be brothers and sisters to one another. The Bible speaks of the association between brothers and sisters: Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments (Psalm 133:1-2). Do your part!"
The consideration mentioned in the basic verse of this message refers to encouraging ourselves to true love and good works. Now, if we are members of the Body whose head is Jesus, why do we fail to love one another? Christ said: A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another (John 13.34).
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Todays Prayer
God, our Teacher! How many lessons we have learned! We want more of them from Your heart. We would like to consider our brothers and sisters and other people as people You have given us for a very special purpose. Help us, Father!
Our consideration for our brothers and sisters will make us live in unity, which is why we cry out for the oil that ran down Aaron's beard when You made us live together with you. Every day we are surprised by Your desire to see us as Your beloved children!
We want to see ourselves as one with You and with all our brothers and sisters. You and Your Son are one, so by also being one in Christ, we will stir up people to love and good works. Being in Jesus and He in us, we will do the same works that He did on earth!
2025-02-01 03:00:00
Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus
' Hebrews 10.19 '
This message is essential. You see, religion has taught us to become complacent in the face of situations; thus, we deny Jesus' teaching given to His disciples: 'And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force' (Matthew 11:12). We must reject the evil one's suggestion that small sins and illnesses are normal. This is one of the devil's lies, designed to deceive us!
Religion accepts the works of the devil, claiming that they are God's will. David, for example, acted differently, taking his rightful place in God's will. After being anointed king over Israel, the Philistines came against him. The king set aside his feast and prepared for battle. But first, he asked the Lord whether he should go to fight and if God would deliver his adversaries into his hands. After receiving a positive answer, he went into battle and destroyed them. The opponents regrouped, but following new instructions, David fought on and defeated them (2 Samuel 5:17-25).
Praying while the enemy advances is unproductive; what is effective is immediately carrying out God's command. The Egyptian soldiers, commanded by Pharaoh, were approaching the Israelites, led by Moses, who kept crying out to God. It was no time for talking, so God commanded: 'And the LORD said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward”' (Exodus 14:15). Evil had to be faced!
As children of the Most High and under His command, why should we weep before Him when Jesus' example was to take hold of the Kingdom of Heaven by force—through faith? Consider the Savior's statement: 'Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe, you would see the glory of God?”' (John 11:40). So, we must believe in the Word of the Lord, who never changes in all things!
In the Old Testament, the priest entered God's earthly sanctuary to offer prayers on behalf of the people and himself. He was only allowed to do this once a year, after being sanctified before the Most High. Traditionally, a rope was tied around his waist. If he wasn't right with the Lord, the priest could be struck down and never leave. Today, things are different: the veil of the temple has been torn, allowing us to enter boldly (Matthew 27:51).
We can never stand before God with fear or timidity. The Bible says that we have to be intrepid - bold - in order to be righteous (Proverbs 28:1). Without this, we will never be practitioners of divine justice. Therefore, when we want the Lord's answer manifested in our lives, we need to stand before Him with courage and claim our rights. The blood of Jesus gives us this condition!
It's up to us to resolve any abnormal situation we face or the issue of someone who asks for our help. First, we must judge whether the matter is approved or condemned by the Word; then, by verifying the testimony given in the Bible regarding that matter, assume our authority over evil works, decreeing the fulfillment of God's will.
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Todays Prayer
Lord of the Holy of Holies! We thank You for telling us the right way to enter Your sanctuary. We must take up our rights now, because they were bought by Your Son on the cross. We thank You for this privilege!
Your blood has washed us clean of our iniquities, and that fact is eternal. So we can't be frustrated; after all, having been made by You, we will always be welcome. You have loved us beyond measure, giving us the franchise to enter and receive the blessings in You!
Father, teach us to live before You with a purified heart and soul. Your wounds have healed us. May Your love consecrate us and Your Spirit guide us throughout the Holy Scriptures! Then we will know how to act as Your servants!
2025-01-31 03:00:00
For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect.
' Hebrews 10:1 '
The Law of Moses came as a precursor to the divine grace brought by Jesus (John 1:17). It was the best system available at the time, but it did not provide the solution to temptations. Anyone who did not keep the commandments would suffer the penalty prescribed in Scripture. Examples of disobedience include the two sons of Judah, who were called wicked for refusing to fulfill the marriage duty (Genesis 38:7-10). As the Creator said: 'Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it' (Genesis 1:28b).
As a shadow of the good things to come, the Law pointed to what would happen after the coming of Christ. It acted as a constraint for the Israelites, but with the work accomplished by Christ on the cross, it was no longer necessary. It was so rigid that even if someone kept 99% of the commandments, if they missed one percent, they were still a transgressor (James 2:10). Today, it is important that we follow God's precepts out of love for Jesus, not out of obligation (John 14:21). The burden of temptation is bearable (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Christians are free to make their own choices, but if they decide to walk in sin, they disqualify themselves and fall into error. If, having transgressed, they soon become aware of their actions and wish to continue their walk with the Lord, they can make amends by repenting, asking for forgiveness, and returning to fellowship (1 John 1:7-9). The sign that they have been forgiven is joy returning to their heart. We are led by the Holy Spirit through the Word. The Most High speaks through it
The Law was a shadow of what would belong to Christians in the New Testament—what they would willingly experience, without the threats that if they did not, they would bear the consequences. It stands to reason that willful sinning prevents us from enjoying the Lord's presence. In fact, the slightest sinful desire removes us from communion with God, but when we repent, contentment rises again within us. If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself (2 Timothy 2:13).
The Law was not the exact picture of things. Today, we have the Gospel, the Law of Liberty, which is the best thing for us because it is based on better promises (Hebrews 8:6; James 2:12). If, when we make a mistake—even a minor one—we realize that we have not done the right thing and we confess it to God, believing that we are forgiven, we will be back in the Father's presence. However, if we persist in sinning, we will find it more difficult to return to communion, and this distance will increase with each sin committed. Pray and live in His grace!
The sacrifices for iniquities were repeated annually, but they could not perfect the person who offered them. In the New Testament, the law of conscience will accuse us if we do wrong, and so we will go to the Lord and confess our weaknesses. Anyone who wants to live before the Most High needs to improve their actions in order to become stronger in faith and be used by Him. Jesus paid for our recovery in faith!
Those who are weak in the face of temptation must resist the devil. By doing this in the Name of Jesus, the evil one will flee: Therefore submit to God; resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7). Two twin guidelines: do them and you'll see the results. God loves us!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Todays Prayer
God of the Gospel! The Law of Freedom has come to make us strong in You and escape shameful temptations. We have erred in thought, word and deed, but we ask for Your forgiveness and Your virtue so that we may leave our sins behind!
The fullness of time has come; now we must live before You with fear and trembling, without our conscience accusing us day and night. There is nothing better than serving You faithfully. Your Spirit teaches us through the Word how to resist the devil!
What was difficult and impossible has become pure and perfect. So we can get up and do Your will. Your love is complete and good, and Your grace promotes us before You and not in ourselves. In Jesus, we are more than conquerors!