2024-09-17 03:00:00

And when the children of Israel heard of it, the whole congregation of the children of Israel gathered together at Shiloh to go to war against them.

' Joshua 22.12 '

           The kingdom of darkness would have enjoyed a great victory if there hadn't been a wise priest in Israel, who didn't mind walking for several days and going to the eastern side of the River Jordan to talk to the heads of the families. He saw that the great, impressive altar had not been erected to separate the people of Israel, but as a testimony that the Israelites were and would continue to be united for the sake of all: the good of the nation. Read the following verses and feel God's action.


           Blessed be the Lord who can count on good people to throw water on the fire of those who don't pray to ask Him how to proceed, but then want to throw those who haven't even tried to do evil into the devil's fire. Listen to the guidance of the Most High and let Him act on your behalf, as He said: I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye (Psalm 32.8). The Most High wants to do all this for us!


           If Phinehas and the heads of the ten tribes hadn't gone to check, the Lord's plan could have been jeopardized momentarily. However, God always sends the right people to accomplish His purpose. Now, it's sad to discover that not all of Israel are Israelites (Romans 9.6), so the seeds of wickedness are planted. But one day, everyone will see that the Most High acted at the right time, even if it wasn't as man wanted, but according to righteous justice. The Lord is perfect!


           Examining the history of Israel, we conclude that we have to take healthy attitudes within the church. The Word declares: Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they are written for our admonition, for whom the ends of the ages are at hand (1 Corinthians 10.11). To fail to study these examples is to make a double mistake and to despise divine wisdom. Without it, we have no means of counteracting the new actions of the prince of darkness, the destroyer of good!


           The spirit of the children of Israel reflected the feeling of human beings, who want to solve everything by might, without taking into account the testimony given by God. Those who do this do not bow before the Creator and His designs, they despise the innocent and try to devour them to satisfy their hunger, out of a simple instinct for evil. The world needs people who live at the Lord's feet and do His will. People like that will always be welcome!


           Although everything shows that the right path is the one that man has pointed out, it's better to surrender to the heavenly Father without restriction. Our time is not to order fire to fall from Heaven and consume the Samaritans who didn't give shelter to the Son of God, but to go with the one who forces us to walk one mile, going the second with him (Luke 9.52-56; Matthew 5.41). Jesus didn't give this instruction for nothing; He said it because it is real!


           The members of the ten tribes were already gathered in Shiloh to go out against their brothers from Gilead. But what the gossips said was a lie. The work of God would have been greatly damaged if everything had not been clarified. This example should guide our daily decisions.


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Todays Prayer

           Righteous Lord of Truth! A tragedy would have happened between brothers if wisdom and Your reasons had not prevailed! Man, without Your guidance, is capable of taking wrong actions and harming Your Church. Mercy!


           Rise again, Father, as You did that day, and extinguish the satanic fire that divides the Church and leads Christians to sadness through hastily actions. The devil will try to harm Your work, but he will never succeed if we act as faithful servants of Yours!


           May there be people like Phinehas to check whether things are as they seem, or whether the devil is stirring up emotions. God, have compassion on those who allow themselves to be led by the forces of the evil one. Your Church needs to be continually preserved with Your love!


2024-09-16 03:00:00

Now the children of Israel heard someone say, “Behold, the children of Reuben, the children of Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh have built an altar on the frontier of the land of Canaan, in the region of the Jordan—on the children of Israel’s side”.

' Joshua 22.11 '

          One of the mistakes spouses make in marriage is to let the devil put it into their minds that adultery could occur. When this happens, a crack begins to develop in the love that should keep them faithful and united. Another mistake is to think of fighting back, considering that the other party has been unfaithful. In this case, it's the enemy who wins, who is fighting to prevent the couple from going to Heaven. Why break up if you're both going to lose?


           God's wisdom asks the question: Can two walk together unless they agree? (Amos 3.3) Why let suspicion take over your heart instead of walking in the presence of the Father? The devil not only wants husbands and wives to hate each other, but also for children to be lost. The family that could be a blessing becomes Satan's subject and begins to fulfill his desires, which, by the way, are evil. Let the Lord act!


           The great, impressive altar built by the Israelites in Gilead became an altar of suspicion, almost leading to civil war. Nowadays, we see decisions made that are not for the good of the country, but rather an effort to harm the ruler. After all, opponents say: “If he manages to run a good government, how will we cope with that?”. This is regrettable, because the nation will suffer the damage of the madness of those who want to be the best!


           The devil has more people under his command than we would like him to have. Some are informants; others are judges and spreaders of bad news. In the eyes of the other tribes, that altar looked like a project to separate themselves from Israel, something that had never crossed the minds of those who erected it. Until a few days before, they had been embraced and applauded beautifully, because they had kept their word and helped their brothers to take possession of the land. Now, the heroes were hated and considered great enemies of all, and would pay with their lives for such boldness, if their intentions were evil.


           The ten tribes prepared for battle, ready to annihilate their brothers from the two and a half tribes, who had given their lives so that their countrymen could take possession of their rightful share. This is happening today in many nations, which are doing nothing but preparing to kill their “opponents”.


           Many make plans to get elected and receive the support of the corrupt. For them, the people in general are just a detail. What matters to the “enlightened” is being chosen. There are secret agreements whose aim is to take a bit of other people's territory, so they invest the necessary resources. May God help us to be sensible so that we don't make the country suffer!


           The only reason there was no war was because of the high priest. He set out to go to the “rebels” - actually innocent people - to see if their intention was to cause dissension among the people of Israel. Sensible people do tremendous good for those who stand by the Truth and fight for the common good. May the Lord deliver us from those who breathe evil (Psalm 27.11,12).


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Todays Prayer

           God of absolute Truth! We take this moment of reflection to ask You to keep us from the bad elements who want to go through life doing “good” for themselves and their families. If we are in You, none of this can afflict us!


           There must be sincere and honest people in our midst, to show that hatred will never triumph over humanity! You are the God who created humanity from one, so that all may be Your children, through Jesus, who paid the price for our redemption!


           May good people never get involved with those who take advantage of the resources that belong to everyone. We reject lies and corruption, which destroy any nation. Help us with Your love!


2024-09-15 03:00:00

 And when they came to the region of the Jordan which is in the land of Canaan, the children of Reuben, the children of Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh built an altar there by the Jordan - a great, impressive altar.

' Joshua 22.10 '

         The return of the two-and-a half tribes to Gilead was beautiful. As they said goodbye to their friends and companions from the wars of occupation in Canaan, the members of those tribes dreamed of doing something big for the Most High. Those who love the Lord go to great lengths to please Him. Both they and we would like to see the people come to Jesus. Nothing that comes from man will be accepted in the work of the Creator of Heaven and Earth. So, pray first!


           We don't know what those Israelites were discussing along the way, or when they came up with the idea of building a great, impressive altar to the Lord. They forgot that every plan regarding divine work must first be born in God’s heart. Then the Most High will reveal the importance of carrying out His purpose as He conceived it. As Jesus did, everything must be placed before the Father. You can't invent something to attract people's attention; if you try, no one will come to you!


           Those who returned from the battle were happy to be alive, and because they loved God, nothing that could make the Lord happy would be a burden. But why didn't they pray or ask the Most High through the priest of Shiloh? That was the place where everyone went to receive guidance from Heaven. So, when they reached the edge of the Jordan, they thought it was time to put their dreams into action. That sounded bad to other people.


           Taking charge of something to help the Lord's work without His authorization can be as dangerous as what Uzzah did, who died reaching out to steady the ox cart carrying the Ark of the Testimony. Then the anger of the LORD was aroused against Uzzah, and God struck him there for his error, and he died there by the ark of God (2 Samuel 6.7). Why did this happen? God doesn't need support, because He is the Lord!


           We don't know, and we won't know while we're here, what the Most High's plan was for His ark. Surely, He would not be surprised to support it, and Uzzah's act prevented us from seeing yet another great achievement of the Almighty. Man will never be able to help the Lord, and the Word explains this: Give us help from trouble, for the help of man is useless (Psalm 60.11). He who gives useless help does not help!


             The members of the two and a half tribes of Israel didn't even think that, even if the altar to God was to be built in their land, the Lord should be consulted about it. Building it on the side of the other tribes wouldn't have sounded good, as they might have felt offended, thinking that they wanted to show themselves to be good servants. If an order comes from Heaven, no one will have the slightest doubt that it is good, but if it comes from man, even the people will feel that it should not be followed. Seek the Lord!


           Another important factor: God doesn't need a great altar to show Himself loved by His people. In the building of the tabernacle, the Most High gave guidance even to the smallest detail. So it should be with the message, the church and the other tasks of God's work!




           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Todays Prayer


           Lord, excellent Master! It's good to see the care You take with Your work, from the construction of an altar to that of a temple. Your anointing will make people seek You out, so we ask for Your guidance and protection. Help us, Father!


           Our testimony must magnify You, in order to awaken those who don't yet know You. In this way, Your house will be filled with those who are on the side of the road, without guaranteed entry into Your Kingdom. We want to serve You well!


           We're not looking to erect a great, impressive altar, but we will if You tell us to. We are interested in knowing that we are fulfilling Your good, infallible and perfect will. Thank You for instructing and guiding us!


2024-09-14 03:00:00

So the children of Reuben, the children of Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh returned, and departed from the children of Israel at Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan, to go to the country of Gilead, to the land of their possession, which they had obtained according to the word of the Lord by the hand of Moses.

' Joshua 22.9 '

          The Kingdom of God is organized, as we will see in this lesson. People who give themselves to Jesus need to understand that rebellion is unacceptable in God's work. Just as rebels will not do well, those who disrespect the Most High will not ascend with Christ at His second coming to Earth. Rebelling against the Lord is terrible, for He will not forgive such an affront (1 Samuel 15.23)!


           The Israelites who returned from the war listened to Joshua, who was the representative of the Almighty in those days. The leader conveyed the Lord's message to the heirs of the land on the east side of the Jordan River: return to your homes. According to some scholars, it had been more than seven years since they had left their families to fight alongside their brothers who would receive their share of the land in Canaan. They never claimed to miss their families in order to mutiny and return to their loved ones!


           At Shiloh, on the western side of the Jordan River, they separated from the other members of the tribes who had settled there. Their destination was Gilead, as the eastern part of the Jordan River was called. These Israelites proved that they had obeyed Moses' instructions by giving them their share, because it was a requirement that they unite in occupying the Promised Land. They fought with all their strength!


           That was the region destined for them. So, after so many years, they were able to reunite with their relatives, friends and brethren. It was a glorious time! The Lord's declaration to their fathers had been fulfilled: that territory would be theirs forever, as long as they remained faithful to God. This has to be the case for Christians today. After all, only those who endure to the end will enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Mark 13.13). Stand firm to be accepted into Heaven!


           When they left Egypt, the Hebrews were made equal participants in God's action, but many of them, when they rebelled against the Lord's guidance, fell prostrate in the desert (1 Corinthians 10.1-5). The same will happen to those who are insubordinate to the Holy Spirit, walking in the flesh (Galatians 6.8). Don't ever believe the evil lie that a “small” sin won't exclude you from the Kingdom of God. You will tell whether you want to be saved or not by your attitude towards temptation. Believe it!


           The saying of the Lord, through the ministry of Moses, remained steadfast and granted the children of Israel entry into the eternal Kingdom of Jesus. Today, what God commands, through the ministry of His Son, will tell you whether you will go to the eternal rest of the saved or to the lake of fire and brimstone.


          The Gospel is much more severe than the Mosaic Law, because the Lord offers washing away of sins by the blood of Christ, sanctification by the Holy Spirit and justification (making you blameless) by the Name of the Lord and by His Spirit (1 Corinthians 6.11). What do you say?


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Todays Prayer

      Lord of the choice of the saved! We must not fool around with Your work or Your decrees about who will be accepted into Your Kingdom. Many will be sent to the outer darkness because they were rebels. They had everything to live in Heaven, but they disobeyed You!


           Why have some grown tired of following Your instructions given through Moses, when that is all that matters? Why are some returning to the kingdom of sin, lying and committing atrocities, despite Your warning that they will not inherit Your Kingdom of Love?


           Give us arguments to show them the error of going back to perdition. They know it's wrong, but, incredible as it may seem, they say that You don't care about petty crimes. Lord, don't little foxes harm the vineyard?


2024-09-13 03:00:00

Now to half the tribe of Manasseh Moses had given a possession in Bashan, but to the other half of it Joshua gave a possession among their brethren on this side of the Jordan, westward. And indeed, when Joshua sent them away to their tents, he blessed them

' Joshua 22.7 '

           No confusion was heard of on the day Moses distributed Bashan to the half tribe of Manasseh. This shows that he led the people well to live in the Lord’s dependence and to accept His decisions. If we are obedient to the Most High, we will act according to His will, even if we think differently, because He knows what is best for us. At the end of the day, we will conclude that God has led us to do something for our own good.


           One this is for sure: it was imperative to hand over the territory of Bashan to the half of the Manassehites, as the Heavens had determined. Many people are never satisfied with what they receive from the Most High. Because they have always been spoiled, they display this behavior. But if they persevere in their faith in Christ and stop being childish, they will see divine providence and realize that God doesn't do anything by chance or luck!


           One of the men I admire most in the Bible is David. He was always victorious, giving the devil no room to speak bad of him. However, the more he sought God and received His blessings, the king of Israel became convinced that the Lord only does good things. David declared: The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; yes, I have a good inheritance (Psalm 16.6). He was content with everything God gave him, he never murmured!


           When Israel wandered in the desert, the people were not educated to submit to God, so they were rebuked by Him for the sin of rebellion:  because all these men who have seen My glory and the signs which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have put Me to the test now these ten times, and have not heeded My voice (Numbers 14.22). The Israelites did not please the Lord, who made them wander for 40 years. No one pleases God by complaining about His will.


           The good servant of God acts like David. David, even after receiving the anointing to rule Israel, worked as a worker for Saul, and told no one that he had the anointing of king over him. He wasn't vain, nor did he take advantage of his position at any time. Despite being pursued by Saul, who wanted to kill him at any cost, David didn't want to take justice into his own hands, even though he had the opportunity to end the king's life when he entered a cave where David and his mighty men were (1 Samuel 24.3-7).


            Humility and sincerity are gifts that God's people must always have, so that faith in Christ can bring about in the lost the change that has taken place in the lives of the saved. So, let's never let the enemy fool us. Only the divine anointing should hover over those who have found Jesus. If we let hatred, influence and any other evil action come upon us, we will no longer be used by the Most High. Be aware!


           The day came for Joshua to bless the other half of the tribe of Manasseh with part of the land located in the middle of the other tribes. No one was upset by the way the Lord's servant operated. They returned with great joy to take care of the piece of land that was given to them.


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares




Todays Prayer

          Beloved God! How would we live if You didn't plan everything? We need Your faithfulness to live well and fulfill Your majestic purpose, in order to honor You more than we think. Help us to serve You!


           You used Moses and then Joshua to settle Your people in the territories. In the same way, You will use us in the spiritual “territories” prepared by You, in order to proclaim Your Word. May we do only what pleases You! Father, save the lost!


           Our inheritance is greater than our need. We must take possession of everything that belongs to us, so that there will be resources for the world to receive the unique and powerful message that heals, frees and saves!



2024-09-12 03:00:00

So Joshua blessed them and sent them away, and they went to their tents.

' Joshua 22.6 '

        Only God could help Jacob when he was about to face a situation in which he could be shamed: his brother was going to meet him accompanied by 400 men. Jacob entered into prayer, and a certain man wrestled with him all night (Genesis 32.24). After he prevailed, the name of this servant of the Lord was changed:  And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.” (Genesis 32:28). He was blessed, and no harm struck him!


          On one occasion, Joseph, Jacob's son, was sold into slavery, but because he had communion with the Most High, everything changed: So it was, from the time that he had made him overseer of his house and all that he had, that the Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake; and the blessing of the Lord was on all that he had in the house and in the field (Genesis 39.5). If you know the Almighty, why fear or imagine things? Talk to Him, and you'll have moments of peace and success!


          It was Moses' responsibility to make the tabernacle according to the model shown by God on the mountain. So, he directed the workers, and everything was done correctly. Moses didn't let his helpers go without receiving their deserved reward for having worked as the Lord had commanded: Then Moses looked over all the work, and indeed they had done it; as the Lord had commanded, just so they had done it. And Moses blessed them (Exodus 39.43). It does us so good to bless others!


           When he saw Joshua's doubt about obeying Moses, and before the captain made any contrary decision, Caleb reminded him of the promise that the land of Hebron would be given to him. After these explanations, the Word declares: And Joshua blessed him, and gave Hebron to Caleb the son of Jephunneh as an inheritance (Joshua 14:13). This territory was given to Caleb because he persevered in following the Lord. Declare this too and receive what is promised!


          Hezekiah inherited the kingdom of Judah after the death of his father, who was not a good king. After giving orders to the people, he witnessed God acting on their behalf: And Azariah the chief priest, from the house of Zadok, answered him and said, “Since the people began to bring the offerings into the house of the Lord, we have had enough to eat and have plenty left, for the Lord has blessed His people; and what is left is this great abundance” (2 Chronicles 31.10). Always act right!


         The apostle Paul was positive in everything he did, which is why his ministry was successful. Those who listened to him learned about God's precepts and how to take hold of the blessing. He declared: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 1.3). Believe what God says and give yourself and your people the right to live well, enjoying divine blessings!


           Abraham delivered his nephew from the hands of four monarchs who had defeated the king of Sodom, Gomorrah and other smaller cities (Genesis 14.12-24). He also rescued the hostages and handed them over to the Sodomite king. The priest Melchizedek blessed the patriarch: but he whose genealogy is not derived from them received tithes from Abraham and blessed him who had the promises (Hebrews 7.6). Abraham had promises!


          In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares



Todays Prayer

           God of unchanging promises! Those who serve You are blessed and have the power to give Your blessing. From the beginning, this has happened and will continue to happen to those who trust in You and respect Your work, believing in the revelations of Your prophets!


           Jacob prevailed in claiming the reward promised by You. His son Joseph, even though he was a slave, proved to be free to progress. Even the butler of the head of Pharaoh's palace was amazed and entrusted Joseph with his house, which prospered greatly!


           Moses rewarded the builders of the tabernacle, and Joshua blessed Caleb, who would teach all the giants of Hebron the necessary lesson. Hezekiah gave orders to the people, and the high priest Azariah recognized Your response in the king's act. You did this and much more!


2024-09-11 03:00:00

And now the Lord your God has given rest to your brethren, as He promised them; now therefore, return and go to your tents and to the land of your possession, which Moses the servant of the Lord gave you on the other side of the Jordan

' Joshua 22.4 '

         Those who face various struggles to survive must not back down or stop doing God's will, because one day the suffering will end. The Israelites, who were helping their countrymen to take possession of their territory, had an enormous amount of work to do to dislodge the Canaanites and the other peoples of Palestine. But now, seeing that God had given their brothers rest, they were encouraged to return to the east side of the Jordan, where they would meet their relatives and tell them about the Lord's work through them. What a blessing!


           For God's people, there is no struggle that lasts forever and no problem without a solution. The Israelites fought hard and, at times, they must even have thought that they wouldn't succeed. However, the child of God already goes into battle glorifying His holy Name, saying that no one is a match for the Almighty. The struggle of God's servant intensifies until the enemy is down. The saved in Jesus are more than conquerors (Romans 8.37)!


The rest granted by God is still not enough for us to succeed, but whoever believes in the Most High will only accept victory. The devil will never be able to nullify the work of God's Spirit on behalf of His people. In adversity, there is only one goal for the saved: to win. Therefore, never allow your heart to waver or accept the evil one's lie that you will fail. Faith sets you free!


For us today, every verb must be conjugated in the past tense, because we have to measure the strength that the Father has given us in the Name of His Son and use it with courage and firmness, since the enemy has been completely defeated (Colossians 2.14,15). Don't be shy about finishing your part in the Lord. Now, never forget that the devil left Jesus after being commanded to do so (Matthew 4.1-11). Command evil to leave in the Name of Christ!


  We are the continuators of God's work; after all, we received the same mission from His Son, as the Bible records: As You sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world (John 17.18). To fail to do our part in evangelizing the world is to place ourselves in the position of a rebel to be condemned at the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5.10). With wisdom and anointing from On High, we will make our neighbor see what God's will is in everything. Be a servant!


Those who fight by faith will enjoy eternal rest because, in Heaven, there will be no temptation or action by the devil. After Jesus returns, Satan and the demons will be thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone forever (Revelation 20.10). What hurts me the most when I speak of this truth is knowing that many will go there too because they didn't believe in the biblical promise of salvation bought by Jesus on the Cross. Mercy!


Until we reach eternity of peace, let's enjoy the earthly rest promised by Jesus: Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul (Matthew 11.29). Only those who prefer rebellion don't take possession of it!


In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares


Todays Prayer

God of our rest! It is good to believe in Your Word, for we will live before You continually. The devil and demons will not have access to the place prepared for those who have been born again to enjoy Your goodness!


In the world, we will have afflictions, but, as You have declared, we will not be left to fend for ourselves. Our union with You will last forever, so we will know You as we are known by You!


It's time for us to fight at Your side, to prepare ourselves to serve You and to bring as many people to repentance as possible. When our life here is over, we will come to You to participate in Your plan for humanity. You are our faithful Redeemer!


2024-09-10 03:00:00

You have not left your brethren these many days, up to this day, but have kept the charge of the commandment of the Lord your God.

' Joshua 22.3 '


            Moses was a great teacher and the meekest man on Earth! When the Israelites sinned, he patiently warned them to get right with God. This leader managed to lead them through the desert for 40 years. During this time, the people were fed daily with miraculous manna. Because of this food, no one suffered from any physical weakness or illness (Deuteronomy 2.7). The food from heaven contained the necessary nutrients, symbolizing what the Word of God is today.


           The decision to return home did not come from the people, but from Heaven, as conflicts with the inhabitants of Canaan had stopped for some time. This period of peace reflected the understanding of the other kingdoms that the Lord was the Commander of Israel; therefore, the people were untouchable. So, Joshua felt that the time had come for everyone to return to their homes. It's worth noting: it had been seven years away from home and without sinning!


           There are cases where people need to be away from home for some reason and commit adultery. Some even use this distance to justify their sin. Now, those who are committed to the Lord distance themselves from evil. So never let the enemy deceive you. Those who left their families to help their brothers and sisters bonded with their people in such a way that they went into battle and persisted in staying there until they were commanded to return to normal life.


           God's servants rejoice in carrying out His orders. For this reason, they will be welcomed into Heaven. As we saw in the previous message, many will be prevented from living with the redeemed in the heavenly Kingdom. This prohibition will happen because these people have not prepared for eternity with a whole heart. This is an important detail, because those who love the Most High keep His commandments (John 14.24).

      Ruth was firm in responding to Naomi's reasons for returning to her parents' house. Finally, she spoke: But Ruth said: Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following after you; for wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God, my God (Ruth 1.16). Many started out well, but when they were tested, they gave up their half and headed towards doom. Wake up!


           The apostle Paul was in prison in Rome, living in a separate house, but guarded by the Roman authorities. That's why he needed someone to stay by his side (Acts 28.30). So, God sent a man called Demas, who would serve him and have the apostle as his teacher. All anyone could wish for was to learn from Paul. Such an experience was something of great faith and value. However, Demas was overshadowed by the things of this world, distancing himself from the Lord!


           The brothers who received the land first promised to leave their families in order to help those who had yet to conquer their territory. Because of this, they would not see their loved ones again until the dangers of the Canaanites for their fellow soldiers were over. This is how Paul spoke of Demas: For Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world, and has departed to Thessalonica (2 Timothy 4.10).


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares



Todays Prayer

           God, who watches over the Church! These events took place at the taking of Canaan, when the two and a half tribes of the sons of Jacob were settled in the newly found territory. Then they went off to fight Your wars and only returned when Joshua felt that the days of peace had come!


           No one questioned the fact that they were away from home. They lived as Your soldiers to place Your people in the places You had chosen. When the time came for everyone to return to their families, the commander of Your people set them off in love!


           Joshua ensured that they were careful to keep Your commandments. With that, they set off to find their families, whom they hadn't seen for years. You are tremendous in making everything just right. Yours is the glory!


2024-09-09 03:00:00

And said to them: You have kept all that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, and have obeyed my voice in all that I commanded you.

' Joshua 22.2 '


What beautiful words the Gadites, those of the half tribe of Manasseh on the east side of the Jordan, and the Reubenites received from Joshua! Everyone who is faithful to the Lord's commandments will also hear this on the Day of the Master's return, of our going to Heaven. However, those who live in sin will receive the stripes mentioned by Jesus (Luke 12.47). It is necessary to know the requirements of the Kingdom of God and obey them.


Biblical precepts need to be followed because they have the power to make us wise. On the other hand, those who do not practice them, offending God's honor, will be punished (2 Timothy 3.15). Now, many will not only be punished with these stripes, since they have gone too far, aware that their attitudes will lead them into outer darkness. Poor those who are heading for the place of eternal torment!


Matthew, the evangelist, warned us: But the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 8.12). In the previous verses, we read that not meditating on what calls our attention in the Word can lead us to such condemnation. Failing to seek the faith that reveals how to act on a problem is considered a serious act before the Lord. Believe and live!


On another occasion, Jesus told a parable about a person who was in heaven at the feast prepared for those who were allowed to enter. Because this person was not dressed in the holy garments, they were cast into outer darkness. Then the king said to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 22.13). Let us strive to enter through the only door, which is narrow (Luke 13.24).


When teaching the parable of the talents, the Lord spoke about the servant who received only one talent and did nothing. He went back and returned the talent, saying: [...]Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed.  And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours (Matthew 25.24, 25). When he gave this answer, the worker heard the following sentence: And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 25.30). Meditate on the fact that the Kingdom of Heaven comes with serious warnings, which we cannot ignore, but rather follow. Be vigilant!


The two and a half tribes were praised for having followed God's orders so they could return home in peace. They kept the Lord's words, spoken through Moses, and were obedient to Joshua's instructions. All of the heavenly Father's orders must be carried out, as well as the commandments left by Jesus to those who love Him. One of them is to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22.39). Be the faithful servant always!


As we do God's work on a daily basis, in addition to following the clear commandments of Scripture, we must obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Our eternal faithfulness depends on what we do for the Most-High. If we are careless and evil, the outer darkness will await us. Talents need to be traded and bring “profit” to the Kingdom of Heaven! Obey!



In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares


Todays Prayer

Lord, our Savior! We thank You for speaking to us correctly, teaching us to pay due attention to Your revelations. We don't want to be sent to perdition. Father, show the Truth to Your Church and its members!


It is sad to see a Christian on his way to losing his salvation, when he has been taught that once saved, saved forever. We need to know the biblical prohibitions, without contaminating ourselves with any of them. We want to be approved by You!


The day of our eternal redemption will come and, when we are in the Heavenly Home, we will not be expelled from it. In Heaven, there will be no sin and no temptation. Help us to do everything You say with love. Thus, we will guarantee our entry into Your Kingdom!


2024-09-08 03:00:00

Then Joshua called the Reubenites, the Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh

' Joshua 22.1 '

            The long journey that began in Egypt was coming to an end. Overall, since Abraham's departure from Ur of the Chaldeans, it had taken 430 years for his seed to possess the Promised Land (Galatians 3.17). We must learn from this fact. When the Most High reveals a promise to us, it doesn't matter how long it takes for it to be fulfilled. Even if the Heavens and the Earth pass away, the Lord's words will by no means pass away (Matthew 24.35).


           Israel wandered for 40 years in the desert, where the soil was infertile and there were no towns or villages where food and other necessities could be bought. However, none of the Hebrew people died from lack of food or illnesses resulting from malnutrition. The manna had the necessary properties for the heirs of the promise to live in good health. During this time, the Hebrews had time to learn from Moses about the faithfulness they owed to their Creator.


           The land east of the Jordan River was not part of Canaan, and if their kings had had wisdom and intelligence, it would not have been taken from them. Moses wrote to Og, king of Bashan, and Sihon, king of Heshbon, asking permission to pass through, promising to pay for the loss of their flocks when they were consumed there. However, instead of allowing them to pass through, these people fought against the Israelites, but were soon defeated and had their territories taken (read Numbers, chapter 21).


           Under the Lord's guidance, that region was divided among the tribes of Gad, Reuben and half the tribe of Manasseh, one of Joseph's two sons. Moses demanded that they promise to fight with their brothers in the battles against those enemies, which they did (Genesis 32). They left their women and children in those lands and, over the course of seven years, helped the other tribes. Later, Joshua authorized them to return to their home.


           Imagine the joy of those men when they arrived in the land granted to them, seeing their families again, certain that the Almighty had kept them in good health. Missing their children and family must have moved them to the point of shouting and weeping for joy. Imagine, then, what it will be like on the day Jesus returns to take us to Heaven, where we will be by His side forever! Those who miss this opportunity will regret it later!


           They showed great loyalty to the Lord by fighting as if the battle were theirs, in order to receive their land! Similarly, we must fight on behalf of everyone, without forgetting that the war is of the Most High. Those called to fight it must bear in mind that they will please God if they act diligently. The saved who are not interested in leading others to eternal happiness will lose a lot.


           God has not called us to be irresponsible, but to snatch those who are about to be lost into eternal fire (Jude 1.22,23). We have to give the Creator the joy of seeing us fighting on behalf of the lost. So be a true blessing in the Lord's hands. This is one of the things that drives me most to consecrate myself in order to preach the Word in the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit: there is no other way for humanity to be saved (John 14.6). Give yourself to Christ and trust Him!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Todays Prayer

           Lord of our dreams and our lives! It is good to trust in You and do Your work while it is still day, knowing that wherever You send us, You will go with us. You will protect us wherever we work Your signs and wonders!


           We are grateful to You for calling us to leave our families on the east side of the Jordan, while you lead us to establish Your Kingdom in the hearts of many who have not yet seen Your wonders, such as those Jesus performed. Help us, loving Father!


           When Your Son returns and we are called to eternal glory, we will rejoice in Your smile for having led millions of people to You. Your joy is ours too, so help us to practice Your teachings in order to fulfill such a noble mission!


2024-09-07 03:00:00

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.

' Ephesians 1.17 '

         Paul's epistle to the Ephesians is full of important details. It shows the apostle addressing them like a father who wants the good of his children. When he arrived in Ephesus, Paul found some disciples who had some knowledge of Jesus, but seemed weak in faith, so he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” So they said to him, “We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit” (Acts 19.2).


           The apostle stayed there for two years, preaching the Gospel, and multitudes were converted. He was arrested and beaten with a stick by the authorities, but he still continued to reach all of Asia Minor, which included much of present-day Turkey. Then he heard about the faith of the brothers in Ephesus and revealed that he was praying for them: Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints (Ephesians 1.15).


           Paul's ministry, when the Ephesians were baptized in the Holy Spirit, and his boldness, when he was used by the Lord to perform wonders, prodigies, and signs, made more people join them, and the work took off. Also, many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totaled fifty thousand pieces of silver (Acts 19:19). They were preaching the Gospel of Christ!

        Paul heard about the faith in that church and began to pray that God, the Father of glory, would give those brothers wisdom and revelation. Without these gifts, much of the potential that exists in faith would be wasted: the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints (Ephesians 1.18). The apostle mentioned the riches of the glory of God's inheritance in the saints - the saved.


           We need to deepen our knowledge of the Word in order to receive the understanding freely given in Christ. What is God's hope in the call He has given us to be members of His Church? What are the riches of the glory of His inheritance? This understanding that existed in the first century was almost forgotten after the death of the apostles and those who were pillars of the Lord's true Church.


           We can have the same knowledge today, but we have to sanctify the Church, give the members of the Body of Christ the material found in the Scriptures, which will make them living instruments in God's hands. We need to minister these teachings to the new generations, so that they grow in faith and in the power of God, and the lost are saved. We know that at any time the Savior will return to snatch us from this world, which will enter great tribulation (1 Thessalonians 4:11-18). Watch and be ready!


        Look how much we are missing out on! Here's another reason for Paul's prayer to the Ephesians: and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power (Ephesians 1.19). He will do the same in the rapture of the Church. Believe it!




In Christ, with love,


           R. R. Soares



Todays Prayer

Lord of incomparable glory! Truly, the things that man has never seen or thought of, nor that have gone into his head, are what You have prepared. One day, we will see Your exalted and holy glory at the return of Christ. What a day! Keep us in holiness!

We want to be part of that great moment, when the powers of heaven will be shaken and Your goodness will be shown live. We will be amazed at what we will witness. To You be worship and praise today and always. You are amazing!

We need to understand the teachings of the Bible, which are available to us. Thank You, Father, for Your deeds! In You, we will be more than victorious, and Your return will be the culmination of Your love for us. We will be in Your Kingdom forever!


2024-09-06 03:00:00

Lord, make me to know my end, and what is the measure of my days, that I may know how frail I am.

' Psalm 39.4 '

         David left us a great lesson in this Psalm: if we don't know our end, it will be even worse. We also need to be aware of the measure of our days to know how frail man is. Let's study verse 6 of this Psalm, in which the Father compares us to shadows, something He warns us never to be: Surely every man walks about like a shadow; surely they busy themselves in vain; he heaps up riches, and does not know who will gather them (Psalm 39:6). We are His image and likeness, and that's a very good thing (Genesis 1.26,27). Let's not waste time on futility but dedicate ourselves to doing the work!


           Look at a person’s profile and see their shadow. It repeats the movement of the mouth, but no sound comes out; it seems to be looking at something, but it doesn't even have eyes. Look at many who claim to be the Lord's, but if we ask them when they have actually served Him, they will excuse themselves by saying: “God doesn't talk to me about what I have to do”. Who was Jesus talking to when he commanded: Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16.15)? We will give an account of the commandments revealed!


         The Most High will never use a shadow, because nothing will be done by it. God uses those who prepare themselves to do His will and dedicate their time in His presence. We have a responsibility to check the Word, as He said: You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life, and these are they which testify of Me (John 5:39). Preaching the Gospel is the duty of every saved person. The disobedient ones will be in trouble at the Final Judgement!


           The way God wants us to walk is the same way He says about His Son, according to what Luke wrote: How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him (Acts 10.38). We have been given the same anointing with the Holy Spirit and virtue, but unfortunately, we don't go about doing good! (John 14.12; 1 John 2.6). This is serious!


            Instead of spending our lives chasing money, we should be fascinated by the lost and go where they are. Fascination with money prevents the seed planted in hearts from flourishing. It's wrong to serve God as a joke, because many are dying without knowing Jesus. Seize the chances before you and set out to fulfill the Lord's purpose; then even more will be given to you. Go out and announce the Good News, and you'll be surprised!


           Anyone who fails to produce the true fruit required by the Vine is outside of God's plan and will probably have problems at Christ's return. When you're not well, you can't please the Father. The eternal Word speaks of this: But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). Faith is necessary to make the Lord happy!


           Why pile up riches if you won't take anything from this world? Go to the ends of the Earth to reach the despised and suffering! We will be lost if we don't go back to why the Lord created all things. Did He want some with much and others with nothing? Certainly not. Today is your day to change for the better!


           In Christ, with love,


           R. R. Soares


Todays Prayer

           God of good changes! We want to learn to do Your will as Your Word teaches. We cannot leave the lost without the opportunity to transform their lives by believing in what Jesus has revealed. Help us to save them!


           People don't know that they can become blessings to the afflicted by following Your Word. Our prayer is that they will come to know You and Your power to heal, deliver and save as many as wish to be delivered from misfortune!


            Many look like the shadow, but do nothing to improve their own situation. That's why we have the task of going to them and announcing the Good News. Everything that delivers the oppressed has already been prepared and is available to those who believe!


2024-09-05 03:00:00

If I have found favor in the sight of the king, and if it pleases the king to grant my petition and fulfill my request, then let the king and Haman come to the banquet which I will prepare for them, and tomorrow I will do as the king has said

' Esther 5.8 '

          Many people hate the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob because God chose their seed for Jesus, the Savior of the world, to come. These heirs to the promise were persecuted because of this choice, but they always had the protection of the Lord and His wonderful power. Hell tried to destroy our eternal happiness in every way by preventing the Messiah from being born in Bethlehem of Judah. But God acted at the right time!


           The verse in this study refers to a plan by Queen Esther. This story takes place in the Medo-Persian Empire, when Ahasuerus, known as Artaxerxes, ruled the Medo-Persians, who had defeated the dynasty of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. Israel was still in captivity, and these accounts took place in the fortress of Shushan. This kingdom stretched from India to Ethiopia and was made up of 127 provinces.


           On one occasion, Ahasuerus invited the authorities of his empire to a feast that would last six months. One day, during this feast, Queen Vashti refused to appear before the king. Because of this, he forbade her from being in his presence (Esther 1:19). After this event, a contest was held throughout the country to choose the new queen.


           Mordecai, a wise Jew, had a cousin whom he had raised, Esther. She would later become the wife of Ahasuerus. God gave Mordecai the strategy of standing at the entrance of the royal palace. One day, he overheard a plot to kill the ruler and denounced it. The perpetrators of the plot, Bigthan and Teresh, were arrested and killed.


            In Shushan, there was a man called Haman, who emerged as the second in the kingdom and hated the descendants of the patriarchs. He got what he wanted: to trick Ahasuerus. After this manipulation, the king signed a decree ordering the death of the children of Israel present in that territory. Haman was angry with Mordecai and his compatriots, because when he came in, everyone bowed to him except Mordecai. This angered Haman!


           Mordecai's ministry grew before God. So Esther's cousin found out about Haman's trap and took action, asking her to speak to Ahasuerus. However, Esther told him that even though she was the queen, she couldn't enter the royal presence without permission. But her cousin argued: For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? (Esther 4.14).


           So Esther asked them to fast and pray with her. Sensing the time to speak to the king, she went to the garden in faith. Ahasuerus saw her and held out his staff to her, approving of her presence. Then the destruction of the evil plan began. She invited the king to a banquet, requested Haman's presence and repeated the invitation to both of them.


           Haman rejoiced and told his friends of the honor that would be bestowed upon him. His wife warned him that it could be the end of him, and it was. Esther spoke of the plan against her people, and Ahasuerus granted her plea (read the book of Esther, from chapter 5 to 9). God watches over us in justice!


           In Christ, with love,


           R. R. Soares


Todays Prayer

           Just and faithful Lord! What seemed like the end of Your plan became a blessing for the children of Jacob. Thus, the way for the coming of the Savior remained open. Thank You for watching over Your Word and blessing Your children!


           What You have done in the past gives us confidence to continue waiting for confirmation of what is found in the Scriptures. Even if the devil insists that it is impossible to obtain Your gifts, our response is to laugh at him, for he is a liar and a loser!

          May others like Esther appear in the world! At the end of it all, we'll see how much You have to do on our behalf. Indeed, heaven and earth will pass away, but Your words will by no means pass away. We are grateful for belonging to Your people. You are our blessed Father!


2024-09-04 03:00:00

Hezekiah had very great riches and honor. And he made himself treasuries for silver, for gold, for precious stones, for spices, for shields, and for all kinds of desirable items.

' 2 Chronicles 32.27 '






From the beginning of his reign, Hezekiah lived as a good and God-fearing man, which is why he deserves a more detailed study of his life. He succeeded his father, Ahaz, who did not do what was good in the sight of the Most High and became wicked (2 Kings 16.2). This wicked king acted like a madman, and when he died, he was not buried in the tombs of the kings of Israel. However, Hezekiah had a better understanding than Ahaz, and, at the very beginning of his reign, he opened the doors of the house of the Lord!


We don't understand why some people turn away from God, the Source of all good, and seek the lost to ask for help. We see and hear this almost all the time. Now, the further someone strays from the Lord, the deeper they will sink into the abyss. At the time of Ahaz, the result was that the Most High humiliated Judah because of this monarch, who led all the people to transgress against God. Then the king of Assyria came to him and did not help him; on the contrary, he distressed him and did not assist him (2 Chronicles 28:19-22).



Hezekiah showed his courage by undertaking a great reform in the faith of the people of Judah. As well as opening the doors of the temple and repairing them, he took the priests and Levites, ordering them to sanctify themselves and do the same with the temple, removing the filth from it. Every Christian must also purify his or her inner self. Not going to church, for example, is an opening for shameful practices to invade your mind. Be careful!



Look at the result of the wickedness of Ahaz, who acted in a disturbing way by shutting up the house of God and, at the same time, invoking demons: For our fathers have trespassed and done evil in the eyes of the Lord our God; they have forsaken Him, have turned their faces away from the dwelling place of the Lord, and turned their backs on Him.  (2 Chronicles 29:6). This man turned the country away from the Most High, bringing all kinds of wickedness to destroy it.



God's people were in the hands of the torturing spirits and continued to sin, giving the devil an opening, to the point where he practically put an end to the Lord's work in those days. The Word declares: They have also shut up the doors of the vestibule, put out the lamps, and have not burned incense, or offered burnt offerings in the holy place to the God of Israel (2 Chronicles 29:7). May God not allow this to happen again!



The result of Ahaz's wickedness was summed up as follows: Therefore the wrath of the Lord fell upon Judah and Jerusalem, and He has given them up to trouble, to desolation and to jeering, as you see with your eyes (2 Chronicles 29.8). Any comparison with our nation today is no coincidence. That's why the saved need to take their stand before God so that the Almighty's peace and His works may return. He will hear us!



Of this faithful king and servant of the Lord it was said: Thus Hezekiah did throughout all Judah, and he did what was good and right and true before the LORD his God (2 Chronicles 31:20). God's work needs faithful children who fear the Almighty so that we can experience divine love.


           In Christ, with love,


           R. R. Soares







God, who loves the Truth! In Your Church, there must never be men like Ahaz, wicked and negligent, capable of leading people away from You. We want them to learn from You and do Your will. Lord, deliver us from all evil!



We live after Calvary, when there are no more sacrifices, animal slaughter and sin. Unfortunately, some practices are encouraged from the pulpit, as if they were holy. May your people turn to the Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path!



The night has passed, so we don't have to tolerate deception. Sanctify Your work and give the saints the fear of You. Your work can never be tainted by the deeds of the flesh! We want to witness Your Spirit lifting us up and using us as in the past!


Todays Prayer


2024-08-03 03:00:00

And the period that he reigned over Israel was forty years; seven years he reigned in Hebron, and thirty-three years he reigned in Jerusalem


' 1 Chronicles 29.27 '

      When he foresaw his departure for the heavenly home, King David addressed the whole nation and, at God's command, put Solomon, his son, in his place, and then he went to Glory. David was a heavenly chosen man who paid dearly for it, because Saul, the incumbent ruler, wanted to kill him at any cost. Israel would have lost a lot if that had happened. No nation defeated Israel in his day, and those who attempted such a feat became tributaries of the blessed kingdom!


       It was 40 years of security, peace, and good living. As well as being an exemplary warrior, David was a true worshipper and an excellent writer of the Psalms. Through his writings, we recognize God's anointing on his life. During the reign of his predecessor, the Philistines tormented Israel. However, as soon as he began to rule, they came in full force and spread into the valley of Rephaim. David consulted the Lord and destroyed them (2 Samuel 5:17-25).


      Israel's beloved king died, but he had a good old age (1 Chronicles 28:29), an example of what will happen to God's servants. The Bible states: Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints (Psalm 116.15). No saved person should fear their day of departure, because it would be like denying Jesus. We have gone through the process created by God to come into the world and, when He wants us to, we will go through physical death. He is the Lord!


      The Holy Scripture states that David departed full of days (1 Chronicles 28:29), fulfilled according to the Word. Christ's servants have the guaranteed hope that they will not see death; at the exact time, they will leave this world and, in a matter of seconds, they will be at the Lord's side. Nothing is more perfect than all that the Most High has done and determined. Therefore, never let the devil deceive you with any trickery!


     According to the Holy Book, David left behind riches and glory. The material possessions remained here and the spiritual ones will follow him for eternity. God is the faithful Fulfiller of His promises, so do not fear the day of your death, for you will rejoice when you enter the Kingdom of perfection. God is the Lord of everything, including our lives. Believe: with Jesus, we can rest and give glory!


    David knew that the Most High would not change His Word and Solomon, his son, would reign in his place, seated on the Lord's throne. The heavenly Father will do as He has promised, if a man perseveres in his faith in Him. As we have seen, we will experience the process that Job spoke about: You shall come to the grave at a full age, as a sheaf of grain ripens in its season. (Job 5:26). Why fear if the Almighty has never lied? Believe and live in peace!


      The Lord's servants have died in their own time, but none has been forsaken. According to the psalmist, our days are like a fading shadow: My days are like a shadow that lengthens, and I wither away like grass (Psalm 102.11). When your time comes, rest and go away happily. If you are saved, you will find your Beloved!


           In Christ, with love,


           R. R. Soares



Todays Prayer

           Lord of our lives! It is okay for us to die one day, but if we are not saved, error will be in us. You give us the opportunity to change our destiny by teaching us to do Your perfect will. The wise will be welcomed with love!



           The closer the Day draws, the more we must be at the feet of Jesus, so as not to let our departure be a sign of doom. If we accept Christ as Savior and Lord and not deny Him, we will go to a much better world than this one!



           Now, until that Day comes, we need to work towards a beautiful future in eternity. As the prophet Daniel declared, the wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever. To You be the glory!